Friday, August 08, 2008

Useless without my horn...and I'm not a viking

I feel so darn useless without my horn these days.

I think the person who fixed my bumper either forgot to plug it back or failed to plug it back properly or it was damaged during the accident (read previous previous previous post)

And these days, I seem to be in a rush more than normal going to get errands done and so forth. And it also so happen these days irritatingly slow drivers all suddenly spring out from the ground and block the road in front of me or tend to cut my queue at a very dangerous distance.

All this happening and I can press on the center area of my steering wheel. There's just no sound coming out from there.

Of all days, today was the worse as I was rushing around to get my project completed for college. At the most crucial hour where I need to compile everything and print, I left my storyboard all the way back home. Along my way rushing back and forth, so many drivers made it their point to irritate me further as I was already bubbling inside with frustration.

Bright and early tomorrow morning I'm going to bang at my local workshop's grill and have him open to fix it.

I need my horn back. I miss my horn.

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