Saturday, July 21, 2007

Restricted Area.Keep Out.

I recently found a website where we can check the rating (aka censorship board stuff) of our blogs.

The programme is kinda cool though but may throw you off balance a little.

The programme rates your blog based on these following words.

hurt (4x)
shit (2x)
crap (1x)

The more of these words you have,the worse your blog's rating will be.

And thus,my blog rating is...

Online Dating

So,imagine if I would to type this sentence in:

"Today,I fell down on the floor,scratched my elbow a little and got a weeetle blood.I got HURT."


Online Dating


So sad.I'm a restricted content.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Joyful day and a LOL


I finally experienced my first time being in a church cell group.And man,was it fun.

The songs were great (although I'm not a Christian,still can enjoy good songs,right?) and there were lots of laughter and jokes with people I've just been acquainted with.

Got along just fine and met a lot of really friendly and funny friends.

And when I got home,something made me laugh even louder than during cell group meeting.

It was a bulletin post posted by a certain someone regarding a true boyfriend.

It's not that I do not agree with the points stated in the bulletin post but rather,the person who was posting it.Such a laugh and a half for her to even be able to judge a true boyfriend.

She probably wouldn't notice or appreciate that person if he was standing in front of her 24/7.

Oh God,I'm still rolling on the floor because of it.