Saturday, July 21, 2007

Restricted Area.Keep Out.

I recently found a website where we can check the rating (aka censorship board stuff) of our blogs.

The programme is kinda cool though but may throw you off balance a little.

The programme rates your blog based on these following words.

hurt (4x)
shit (2x)
crap (1x)

The more of these words you have,the worse your blog's rating will be.

And thus,my blog rating is...

Online Dating

So,imagine if I would to type this sentence in:

"Today,I fell down on the floor,scratched my elbow a little and got a weeetle blood.I got HURT."


Online Dating


So sad.I'm a restricted content.


ThePinkRabbit said...

ahahaha...even after my big blow up, i'm still suitable for a general audience...>.<

Chris Yuen said...


this generator is discriminating against me.

*whacks creator*