Sunday, June 03, 2007


It seems I had misjudge the person who was supposed to take the most important seat in my life.Not misjudged in a good way but instead,in a bad way.

All my love life,I thought that being in love with someone is to give everything you've got in the relationship.I guess maybe I was wrong.Maybe not all girls appreciate it.Or maybe it's just one person.

I always said that being in a relationship requires effort and hardwork.Was I right or maybe I was just dreaming.Just my imagination of what is required of a relationship?Is it based on things other than understanding,love,care and tolerance?

When a loved one isn't assured,do we need to reassure them of the relationship or just let them ponder as they wish and start arguing if what imagination we have isn't all pleasant?Some people just give up when things take a slope and starts to get boring.Instead of saying "we should work things out and try to carry on", they say "I think it's best for YOU to let go."Yes,YOU.How sure are people that your partner wants to let go just yet?Have we even tried our part enough to assume the other half had had enough of it?

It's so ironic.And especially a person who listens to God's words to have Faith and to Forgive and Forget.We hear it a lot but somehow,some people never practice it.What a shame to God to have to preach His words to people who do not bother to follow.

I'm sorry that I've touched on religion but I really find these words to be some of the most meaningful words in my heart.Especially when it comes to relationship.And there,are some people who wrote a blog post on Love before,without even exploring and knowing the true meaning of it.

If given love is not appreciated,I shall simply take it back and give it to someone else who needs,appreciate and would keep it forever.I apologise to those of you who tried to give me faith and who told me to hold on and not give up hope.And thanks to Samantha who told me to follow my heart,although now,this isn't what my heart really wants.

Goodbye to you.

Tears won't even flow.