Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Randoms?? More Randoms....

Yup, it's all gonna be a whole bunch of randoms again. Lazy to type one event by one event.
  1. Hari Raya holidays approaching. Taking it easy in the office.
  2. Had TGI Fridays yesterday for lunch with my boss and colleagues using the penalty money from our China agent (long story)
  3. Attended the 'No Compromise' seminar on Saturday, with speaker Mike Constantine preaching. Was kinda fun. Not boring at all.
  4. Took leave for Friday with NO intentions of going anywhere for the holidays.
  5. Convocation this Sunday!!!!
  6. Bought new blazer just for the convo.
  7. Since pay day til now (which is not even the next month yet), I spent a total of more than RM800 in shopping alone. New shirts, new leather shoes, new tees...wonder when am I going to sweep that Nike leather shoe.
  8. Someone coming to stay over on Saturday night. Hehehe....
  9. Want a new watch, a new computer, new phone, new Ray-Ban, new rims and tyres for my car......
  10. Wanna go home now.
  11. Found out that one of my colleague shares the same birthdate as me. So in total, I know 3 people who shares the same birthdate as me.
  12. First time in AGES since i would stall a manual car. Don't like Myvi's manual fuel intake system. The owner of the car agreed.
  13. Experienced culinery students' handywork in Tim's kitchen.
  14. Had Wendy's for lunch today. I had to compensate a half pound burger with fries, nuggets and a drink to fill me to the enough point.
  15. I feel like drawing. But I feel like drawing while I'm in the office, which is a little inappropriate.

Okay. That's all for now. Cheerios. (rhymes with Oreos)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Phones phones phones....Gah.

For so many years that I've used mobile phones, I've officially tried most of the major brands available in the market; Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung, Motorola.

But after considering everything from design, function and practicality, I would almost certainly stick with Sony Ericsson (SE). I find that it's more user-friendly of the 4 brands I've tried. I don't find myself going "Where the heck can I find this function?" or even "What the heck does this category stand for?" I don't get confused using an SE phone. Besides that, I find their phones durable, practical and very innovative in terms of functions. Style-wise, it may not be able to compare up to the likes of LG. LG phones are sexy but, in terms of function, it doesn't measure up.
Right now, I need a new target phone to aim for. Firstly, I need the cash though. But I've narrowed it down to three models from SE.

First is the SE C902 which is already available in stores. It's beautiful with good functions; a 5MP camera, face detection function by the Cybershot and 3G.

Next is the SE C905. I find the functions in this one is slightly better than the C902. What attracted me to it was it's 8.1MP camera with Cybershot technology. This phone also has aGPS system and supports Wi-Fi services. It has all the functions in the C902 plus Wayfinder Navigator which acts almost similar to a GPS system.

And last but not least, there's the new Xperia X1 phone. This one is a touch screen phone which serves LIKE a PDA. It's not exactly a PDA. But this phone only has a 3.2MP camera. The attractive level of this phone covers what it lacks though. Would be happy to acquire this phone pending I see the actual product at the retailers.

Overall, I'm gonna take my time to decide on this issue. It's not an easy 100 200 bucks thing that I can just simply replace.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Lazy to do tags. But since I'm tagged, I guess I'll just finish it all in one go wth. And I'll be doing tags by two person with just one version (don't expect me to write 30 weird things about me. I'm NOT that weird yet) =)

1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!!

1. I'm darn crazy about cars. Can't help it. I go crazy when I'm browsing cars or when I stumble upon exotic cars.

2 . I thought of building my own supercar one day one part at a time together with Lionel.

3 . I like it when my gf bites my fingers??

4 . I'm crazy about horror movies although I do get jumpy watching it. Paying to scare myself silly wth.

5 . The prime colours I like are black & white. But I'm neither black nor white. *shrugs*

6 . I have 2 pillows, a bolster, a blanket and a porin on my bed but I only sleep with one pillow and the blanket. The rest are just accessories.

7 . I'm suddenly enthusiastic about mathematics and calculations again while at work, calculating glass bottle capacities and technical tolerences.

8 . My mind is even sharper when I'm sick. *shrugs*

9 . I need pumping music when I'm doing work and soft music when I'm driving.

10 . I like emo music. NOT because I'm an emo person (unless with reasons) but I think they're much more meaningful compared to banging metal rock nonsense.

11 . I err......*how can I put it in a not-so-gayish feel* appreciate romantic movies wth. Well, that's a weird thing, right? Don't ask me why.

12 . I let my tears flow when I have to. Bottling hurt inside isn't healthy and I'll just let my emotions free. Privately, though.

13 . If I'm speeding, I'd rather do 180-190km/h if I can rather than just 140-160km/h because, if anything were to happen (and I pray oh God it WON'T) I might as well die straight rather than end up in the hospital with broken parts and suffer the pain and agony.

14 . I don't lose my sense of humour even when I'm having a bad mood. (Thanks to Estela. lol)

15 . I can have chicken or duck rice for all 6 days in a week continuously. (lets leave one day for other types of food)

That's my weird side. I'm tagging whoever who wishes to do this tag. But I would like to pick some though:

- Jimbo
- Johnston
- Chui Mei

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nissan GT-R35

This car is Japanese. It's brilliant. It's massive. It's agile. It's powerful. It's.....did I mention Japanese already?

Right. It's so agile, it beat a Ferrari and the SLR on the Top Gear's Power Lap. European supercars may have all the speed on the straight, but at corners, it loses everything. And that is precisely where the GT-R plans to nail it's victims. This is mostly all the same with tuner cars as compared to the European exotics.

Jeremy Clarkson did mention that this car wasn't fitted with adaptive headlights simply because the headlights' motion sensors just couldn't keep up with the agility that this car is fully capable of.

The design is brilliant. Channeling all the air from every part of the front towards the rear spoiler to create enough natural downforce to the rear of the car (the front is heavy enough with the V6 engine)

To make things sweeter for the casual but occasionally adrenaline-pumped drivers, this car can switch between auto and manual for driving convenience.

Check the clip out.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I so hate politics

Everytime I read political news in our already-depressing country, I get even more depressed than Lionel thinking about finishing his course.

Hey,I don't have to LOVE this country or the government to be worried. I'm bloody living in this country. So, indirectly, it will affect me in the future.

All the hates, racist remarks, riots, arguements....it all makes this country even more and more unstable. I mean, screw all this bloody racist things. Why can't everyone just live with each other?

Sure, I know about all the frustrations and inequality the other races feel when a lot of chances for better education positions, loans or scholarships are frequently given to the Bumiputeras first. I've had my fair share of experience and so do my family. A chinese with better result cannot receive a scholarship compared to a Bumi with lower academic result.

So, why can't we have equality. Everyone worked just as hard to gain something. Shit, if you're a Bumi and you don't wanna work hard just because you think you have your privileges, what makes you think the other races won't get pissed off?

A press statement quoted a politician as saying that the Chinese dominated the economics and now look to dominate the political scene and that a warning was given for the Chinese to NOT push the Malays to the wall or they will fight back for their own survival.

Screw you. If they can push you to the wall with only half the privileges you receive, that shows they worked twice harder than you freaking people did. They didn't get to that point for free and just by sitting back. The minority races all had to work extra hard to gain the wealth and power that we hold in the economic scene. Why should we even submit to the Bumis just because it's "supposed to be" your "privilege" to control this country's economics. If you wanna control, bloody work for it your bloody self and don't expect special treatment. The other races will not back down for people who do not work but choose to claim what is NOT rightfully theirs, especially the Chinese. This they have to understand.

They better not even mention that the Malays were the original in this country. You didn't bloody spring out of these grounds. Every race helped form the Malaysia we know now. All races fought for the independence of this country. It's not like the other races sat back and just let things pass and wait for the country to be independant.

If the political scene in this country causes the nation to fall, I will gladly pack my bags and move down south to our neighbours. Heck, I'd rather be kiasu there than to risk my future and that of my future family and offsprings in this country.

I love being in this country but the political scene made it a living hell.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fall For You

Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start


So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep



Note: This song is not directed to anyone. I just like the song.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Like I was saying before, I had been wanting to get a new game and play it. I finally did. (thank God,right? Right.)

Finally got Race Driver GRID. Developed by Codemasters, I was quite eager to start playing since I read the review and had previews of what the game looked like. (so eager that I delayed picking SY up for dinner)

GRID is a hybrid between arcade and simulator of mainly tarmac racing that consists of 43 cars. I must say I was VERY impressed by the level of detailing; in terms of graphics and driving physics. So impressed that I frustrate myself getting the hang of the cars.

Here are my judgement on the game based on MY own experience and opinion.

This is the highlight of the game. The graphics for GRID is nothing less than impressive. The level of detailing to the surroundings, the cars and even the cockpit. Yes, the cockpit. I loved this view (although it's super hard to see the road with all the dust and debris) because it's so realistic and it puts you in the driver's perspective of racing. Sure it may be hard to see the road, what more when you're travelling about 270km/h but, hey, the experience is thrilling. I've been craving for games such as NFS to make a comeback with the cockpit camera view like they did in Hot Pursuit 2 and now, GRID has fulfilled it. And it's not just some lame-looking-steering-wheel-with-hands-and-lame-looking-dashboard view. This is the full cockpit of an actual racer car. Even the action of the driver switching gears or the lights blinking to signal for gear ratios are shown, not to mention the way the hands turn the steering depending on how much you turn the car. What more can anyone ask? It even shows you the detailed indicator and the roll cage nicely strapped and hinged down inside the cockpit. GRID has combined some of the top tuner, muscle and exotic cars there are around the world.

On the outside, the details given to the cars and the damages were impeccable. Even the door swings open if the impact hits it. Not to mention tyres going crooked and suspension debris flying around. Spectators were more realistic than in Prostreet but, we don't care about them, do we? The surroundings were nicely duplicated to be as real as possible and sceneries are breathtaking.

First and foremost, the cars' handling. Maybe I suck at it, but the cars were like super hard to get the hang of. But the physics were realistically duplicated. You either get a car that would constantly oversteer or understeer. And there's not a thing you can do or tweak about it. The controls allow you to skew the deadzone and saturation for your steering, accelerator and brakes though. So, just play around with those. Cars tend to skid uncontrolably the moment it hits a different tarmac, the grass area and the sand pits. But cars do not need to slow down to snail speeds to take corners unlike in Prostreet. Drifting in GRID is a heck of a challenge as the car tends to wipe out constantly. Maybe balancing the throttle, brakes and steering requires the ACTUAL steering and pedals. GRID even got rid of street-racing-type car supplements such as NOS or personal car modifications. Indicators right next to your speedometer will even indicate damages your car is suffering from. If your car is about 80% damaged, the race is over for you.

Races are separated into 3 groups; American Muscles, Euro Racing and Japan Racing styles. Almost every form of track racing is found in GRID, even the notorious Demolition Derby under American style. Each track-type requires the region's car type for racing. No mix and matching cars and their birth continents.

The great thing about GRID is, if you're playing Driver Offer modes, whereby you use cars which are provided to you, the most important thing is to complete the race. It is not necessary for you to win in order to receive the Appearance Fee and Playback Bonus. But completing bonus clauses will earn you extra cash. It really simulates the actual world of racing where there is money the moment you finish a course. The rest of the racing modes, they offer price money if you finish within the top 3. Japan drift tournaments are knockout-style; in which you compete and defeat one opponent after another to proceed to become Drift King. All races won will add to your reputation further down the road.

I can say that I recommend all driving enthusiast to try this game out, but to be warned that there might be some frustrations while trying to get the hang of the cars' handling. It brought back substance and reality to what racing is all about and it all comes down to how you position yourself strategically and mentally while racing and not just a whole case of "who's got more NOS and press that button faster" gizmo. This is racing at its raw, pure and wildest nature.

I would give this game an 8/10. Dropping points at tweaking the way the car handles and the drifting mechanism. The rest is pure bliss.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Procras procras (why am I always repeating stuffs??)

Yea, the title says everything.

So, kthxbai for stopping by.

Just kidding.

Been procrastinating a lot of things. Why? Why? Why?

I'll answer you tomorrow.

Nah. Just felt like I always DON'T WANT TO find the time to do things. Things such as buying my game, looking at new arrival for car models, play my guitar, load my new game, download songs, play my PSP, disturb my dog, clean my room, watch DVD or downloaded movies, etc.

I mean, come on. Some of these things are fun things to do. Things some people couldn't wait to do when they're allowed to. But to me, I don't know why but I just don't see the urgency in doing these things. So most of the time I'll just do it "along the way". When I so happen" to come across it.

Maybe I'm just bored. Or maybe there's something that's just occupying my time and interest. Idunnodontaskme.


Okay, that was random. But I really crave for it. Wonder if it comes in gun grey. Hmmmm....

Thursday, September 04, 2008

When events turn into an essay

Updates on the events of the weekend and the past few day.

Went to Summit in the morning for my "breakfast" and wanted to get a game which I was wanted to get a for a long time. But instead, me and my itchy feet decided to walk into a car model shop. Can't control myself cuz I haven't bought any cars for the past month or so. Ended up getting a 1:18 scale model of a Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera (pics to be shown another day). I could even tell the uncle that my gf is going to grumble when she finds out later in the afternoon. How right I am. Accompanied SY to TARC's convocation ceremony for an ex-seafieldian's convocation. Then rushed all the way back to sunway for a movie. Watched Death Race. Was cool.

Saw this at Sunway Hotel when picking up Christine for the convo.

After church in the morning, went home, packed and left for a nights trip in PD with Tim, Kevin, my sis, Kiat Yee, Jim, Samantha, Johnston, Johnny, Melissa and Jimmy Tiang, Winnie, Sarah, Kai Mun and his gf Cynthia (I wonder if I spelt that correctly).Sat in Tim's car. I totally take back the thing I said when I went to PD with my college mates. "When people look at us and the car we drove, they would think we were rich kids." I take it back. Back then, we only drove a Honda City, a Honda Stream and a lowly Iswara Aeroback. But this time, the convoy was a new Honda CRV, a Honda Accord, a Hyundai Elantra and a Toyota Celica. One of the most expensive convoy. Stayed at The Ocean View Resort in apartment owned by Jim's dad. Arrived in the evening so we went straight down to the beach for fun and BBQ. Think most of the guys who BBQed lost some leg hair. After BBQ, we went back to the apartment to clean up and have some indoor fun. Played Pictionary. Everyone went nuts over it. Played til the wee hours of the morning. Tim bought some fresh coconuts and we had some trouble slowly opening them and draining the juices.

Everyone was SUPPOSED to be up at 7am. But instead, everyone got up and ready around 10plus am. Left PD and we decided to drive all the way back to PJ for brunch. All along the way, there were so many toilet breaks because of all the coconut water everyone had in the morning. Had chicken rice at Paramount because Kevin said the char siew was delicious. I admit it's soft and delicious, but it was SUPER FATTY. OMG. Could've just had a heart attack right there eating that. Then we grouped over at Samantha's place. Those crazy fellas wanted another round of Pictionary because it seems Kevin and Johnston can't stop gloating about being champions the night before. But, unofficially, Samantha and Sarah were the winners the night before and also for the second round. Got home and it was raining super hard. Rested a while, cleaned up and went out with SY.

Boring day at work as usual. But got to sneak out to do some printing work and SY tagged along. Accompanied her for a brief shopping outing. Went over to Glass Solution for training in the evening and had a super headache. Literally headache, not because of the training. On the way back to take SY out for dinner, I realised I caught a little fever. So nice of SY and her mum to provide me with some paracetamol (or panadol) and water to ease the headache. Hahaha...It was to my understanding that SY kept the water just right, not cold and not hot, while waiting for me to come.

Went to see a doctor because I got up with quite a bad sore throat. The doc gave me an MC for the day. SY came over to my house to "study" for her college exam. That girl slept half the day away in my room. Should make her study downstairs next time. And a first encounter for her with my parents for lunch and dinner. Now she knows where I got my sense of humour from.

That's all for the past few days.

Thanks to those who SMSed to ask how I was doing and told me to take care. Thank God for the one day rest. I needed that. Thanks to the people who organized the PD trip. I needed the holiday. Thanks to SY for taking care of me. Love you baby.

Okay, those are soooooo lame. But thanks for everything.

Photos will be shown another day. Be patient.