Thursday, September 11, 2008

I so hate politics

Everytime I read political news in our already-depressing country, I get even more depressed than Lionel thinking about finishing his course.

Hey,I don't have to LOVE this country or the government to be worried. I'm bloody living in this country. So, indirectly, it will affect me in the future.

All the hates, racist remarks, riots, all makes this country even more and more unstable. I mean, screw all this bloody racist things. Why can't everyone just live with each other?

Sure, I know about all the frustrations and inequality the other races feel when a lot of chances for better education positions, loans or scholarships are frequently given to the Bumiputeras first. I've had my fair share of experience and so do my family. A chinese with better result cannot receive a scholarship compared to a Bumi with lower academic result.

So, why can't we have equality. Everyone worked just as hard to gain something. Shit, if you're a Bumi and you don't wanna work hard just because you think you have your privileges, what makes you think the other races won't get pissed off?

A press statement quoted a politician as saying that the Chinese dominated the economics and now look to dominate the political scene and that a warning was given for the Chinese to NOT push the Malays to the wall or they will fight back for their own survival.

Screw you. If they can push you to the wall with only half the privileges you receive, that shows they worked twice harder than you freaking people did. They didn't get to that point for free and just by sitting back. The minority races all had to work extra hard to gain the wealth and power that we hold in the economic scene. Why should we even submit to the Bumis just because it's "supposed to be" your "privilege" to control this country's economics. If you wanna control, bloody work for it your bloody self and don't expect special treatment. The other races will not back down for people who do not work but choose to claim what is NOT rightfully theirs, especially the Chinese. This they have to understand.

They better not even mention that the Malays were the original in this country. You didn't bloody spring out of these grounds. Every race helped form the Malaysia we know now. All races fought for the independence of this country. It's not like the other races sat back and just let things pass and wait for the country to be independant.

If the political scene in this country causes the nation to fall, I will gladly pack my bags and move down south to our neighbours. Heck, I'd rather be kiasu there than to risk my future and that of my future family and offsprings in this country.

I love being in this country but the political scene made it a living hell.

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