Sunday, July 27, 2008

Think I have to acknowledge and thank some people as well.

To Jenn whos advices helped me through some rough periods and comforted and taught me things. Don't know how to repay you. You're right about a lot of things but sometimes I was too stubborn to listen. Sorry.

To church members who heard me out and gave me some advice and suggestion. Maybe I should have took it. But then again, I thought I could have held on. I was wrong either. Therefore, I'm thankful for the advice but apologize for not heeding it.

To my bro Lionel, thanks for always listening to me rant. That meant a lot to me to have someone I can throw all my feelings on. You're always there when I needed a buddy. Thanks bro. Treat's mine when you get back, aight?

To my close friend Jinqyi, thanks for accompanying me when I was feeling a little lonely. I know you won't be reading this, but still, thanks. And also listening to me and gave me some useful advice.

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