Tuesday, January 06, 2009


For the past week or so, I've fallen victim to the nasty cough and sore throat bug.

Well, actually more like the sore throat bug invited the cough bug along to play.


The sore throat I had was so out-going that, last week, it even had its friend, Fever, along to join in the fun. And fever only came at night and didn't join the other bugs in the day.

But then, the daily activity for me was still normal. I still went to work and coughed my lungs out. I even had to bail early from my company's New Year celebration dinner. That made me miss out on the bottles of wine and liquor that was there.


The bug even got me down when New Year came around and the whole joyous mood, even now, wasn't around since I spend half the bloody time coughing until I feel like my stomach and lungs were literally going to pop out from my throat.


That totally dampened my whole mood, even when I sat at home. I can't eat good food, can't really go out dating for fear some "innocent" girl might just get caught with these bugs and I can't go gym or do strenuous exercises because the air flow through my body isn't really well and my body really feels down. 5 minutes on the treadmill or on the bike and I'd probably be out of breath and pass out.

But throughout the time I was caught with these nasty bugs, there were those who were around to give me advice, ate my Christmas chocolates, took care of me and even pester me to get well.


First off was my mum who tried her best to get me well, Estela who keeps keeping my lunch menu in-check, my boss Ken for continuously asking me to seek a doctor and bill it to the company and Jinqyi for checking to see if I'm okay and giving me the same advice I gave her when she got sick.

Actually, the whole point of this post was me trying out this Windows Live Writer which I've just installed on my computer. Trying the feel of writing with it instead of blogging directly on Blogger.

Anyhuu..Kthxbai for dropping by.

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