Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Good year ahead..

I think this is going to be a good year for me and my family.Call it superstitious but I think it could be true.

I went to Pizza Hut for lunch today with my family.We ordered a set enough for a family of four and eventually finished it.

We then asked for the bill.The total bill came down to

Wow..isn't that a coincidence???it's certainly an indication that it's going to be a good year.

For those of you who don't understand,it means "bad things won't happen easily".


Oh well,whatever make you happy,right???

And it's also on my dad's birthday.How lucky can one get???

Oh.I think the Pizza Hut staffs in Subang Parade are psychics or something.If you notice,above the subtotal amount,they had already anticipated how much my mum was going to pay them.

Oh well.A good lunch,no doubt...

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