Friday, January 27, 2006

Open??? or just plain Cheap???

Chin Hou has heard this comment coming out from my mouth.Yes.I'm currently still puzzled and wondering if female nowadays are open or just,well,cheap.I don't think there's any other words to describe it without beating around the bush.Other than the Malay words,"harga diri" and "maruah diri" that is.

It's true.Nowadays,we can talk to girls about almost everything.It's good in a way.But don't you think we may be carrying this a little too far??Being open is about being able to accept certain issues such as religion or private issues.But,there are girls now who aren't ashamed about talking about their body parts,to guys.There's nothing on your body that we don't know about.But for god's sake,have a little self-respect.We can't copy the Western culture bit for bit.

I'm just lucky to say that people my age that I know still have self-respect.I can talk about the matter of sex or things like kissing,hugging,etc and they don't mind.But just try talking about their boobs or something and you'll end up with a slap or two right across your face.This is what I'm talking about.But I know people who can take being "boob-talked"(my own word) or saying things about their private areas.

But when people say they're fat,they get sensitive.

This also goes out to the guys as well.Don't comment about a girl's body parts.Sure you can say they look hot or sexy and stuffs as a compliment.But don't take it too far.Give females the respect they themselves should have.They may have an open mind about it,but,if possible,try not using it in your conversations.

A good conversationalists,or simply a good communicator can have a good conversation with the opposite sex just by normal topics alone.There's no need to touch on sensitive issues.Iwouldn't try that among my friends.

How would you guys feel if the girls talked about your,err,little "hobbit" there?

Keep that fine line between casual and cheap.Girls who don't respect themselves are no better than prostitutes.And guy's who have no respect for girls are just @$$holes (forgive my cuss).What we say may give a first impression to others on who we are.Especially if you're at your other half's house and their parents caught you talking about these things.Lots of tense and explaining on your part.

I know some people may think of this as being conservative minded.But the fact is,it's NOT.No matter what century we live in,how open we are,how conservative our minds can tolerate,self-respect should always come in between.I'm sure everyone dresses to impress.No one would dress to hope "someone,please look down my cleavage",right??

That's self-respect there.It's not conservative-minded.

Well,that's all I've got to say on the issue.To take this advice or not is still up to you.Argumentative still,but this is purely my opinion.


Chris Yuen said...

hahaha..with the exception of u being not cheap,rite???
yeah..malaysian girls have changed a lot...

Chris Yuen said...

oh..long time more..den onli i giv u ur angpow la,ha...

Chris Yuen said...

wa dat oso can??
ok tell my mum to allocate all RM1 angpows,ok??

Chris Yuen said...

*blek* =P