Saturday, July 07, 2007

Joyful day and a LOL


I finally experienced my first time being in a church cell group.And man,was it fun.

The songs were great (although I'm not a Christian,still can enjoy good songs,right?) and there were lots of laughter and jokes with people I've just been acquainted with.

Got along just fine and met a lot of really friendly and funny friends.

And when I got home,something made me laugh even louder than during cell group meeting.

It was a bulletin post posted by a certain someone regarding a true boyfriend.

It's not that I do not agree with the points stated in the bulletin post but rather,the person who was posting it.Such a laugh and a half for her to even be able to judge a true boyfriend.

She probably wouldn't notice or appreciate that person if he was standing in front of her 24/7.

Oh God,I'm still rolling on the floor because of it.


ThePinkRabbit said...

what was the buletin post about?

Chris Yuen said...

well,it was a post about da criteria of a true boyfriend...

practically laughin she even believed in it and can even notice 1..