Wednesday, July 19, 2006


My old friends over at TAR College recently did a video about students studying in Universiti Putra Malaysia.

He personally sent me this video uploaded to Youtube.

After watching this video,I suddenly felt a rain of rage which I normally do not have against the Malay race.Well,I still don't to those around me but surely felt a strong anger towards these hooligans in UPM.

My friends went there to do some research for college but were treated with hostility by the Malay students there.

Some shouted,shoved and made monkeys out of the Chinese students who went there for a cause.

Is this how Uni students should act?? This is a freakin disgrace to our nation and especially,a big disgrace to the Malay people.

These people hovered around the TARC students as if those students came to challenge the Uni.Anyone who is anyone would be terrified even to fight back because this is not dealing with one or just 2 people.The whole college seems to be on your war path as if you've thrown a freakin pig at their main gates and a Malay guy stepped on it's poo.

The point is,people,especially Chinese,has had their misconceptions about the Malay people and society has tried so hard to abolish that mindset.But this people in the video is just making things worse.

In the video,they were shouting "BELAKANG" to the TARC students for no apparent reason and making it look as if they have the control of the campus.My friend and his group tried to calm the students in order for their project to take place and I pity his efforts.Things just got worse.

I gotta get me an A-bomb.


Invi said...

Don't know what really happened but MAN they look stupid. Seems a bit immature.

ThePinkRabbit said...

yeah..i saw the video too...i think there's probably two sides to this...the video started just when the malays were mouthing off to the chinese...but who knows what happened before that...

anyway, violence is NEVER the answer...don't people learn? aiyo..