Sunday, February 26, 2006

Title not necessary.. blog finally has 100 visitors.Although some do not bother to comment.Special thanks to my blogpatrol counter,my friends,all those who had contributed.Thanks to my parents who had supported me all this while.Thanks to you guys for helpin me..

What am I saying???It's not the Grammy.

Oh well..thanks anyway.Should have started the visitor counter much sooner.Would have had more visitors registered.

Highlights for the day..

Went to college for my Computer Graphics class..hung out in pyramid..come home..go out for started my composition..sleep.

There's a funny incident while I was in pyramid.While I was on my way to the entrance to hitch a ride from my dad back home,I stumbled into no other than our verrrryyy own Uncle Tatsun Hoi,co-principal of The One Academy.

While he's in college with his students,he dresses in a shirt,slacks and a jacket.Maybe sometimes without his jacket,at times with tie and sometimes not.

Now,imagine him walking in front of you in a shirt untucked,top 2 buttons unbuttoned,no jacket,sleeves folded up and in slacks.Not to mention he wears an all black combination.He does most of the time.Starting to suspect if he graduated from Uncle Lim Kok Wing's Uni College.

In a way,its not wrong to be casual after work.But it's just funny to me seeing him dressed this way.And the way he was walking,he seems to be confused or something.Imagine him walking into an expensive,branded shop dresses that way.The sales personal would get a huge laugh out of it.

But all due respect,people,have some respect.He's the principal.And not to mention the youngest person to be made principal when TOA was founded.He founded it,so of course he's the remembered all that???

Well,gotta get to doing the last 2 things I said on my highlights...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My works..

So how's everyone doing on their assignments???

I'm just plain being lazy since we have practically a lot of time this week.So now I feel like posting up some of my crap old works.One of it from the 2nd semester. Since Chrystal and Shawn has always put up their artwoks,I shall too.Maybe not as good,but I'm happy with it.

This is my artwork from the 2nd semester.From History of Art and Design class.

The issue i'm representing is baby abandonment.The style used is by Yoshitomo Nara.I used a baby Nara-style as the character.The baby has a dissatisfied/angry lookto portray their unwillingness to be abandoned.Besides that,the baby is also angry at the parent that had abandoned him/her.To show that this baby is abandoned after birth,I included the umbrical cord with blood still flowing from it.This shows that the baby is abandoned right after birth.This can also represent cruelty towards a newborn baby.The dark background shows that the baby is left at a dark corner,which also represents abandonment.

This artwork for my presentation got me a 20 1/2 out of 25.Not bad for my standard.

Next comes the artworks from this semester.

Mostly it's about composition.There's nothing better to put up than composition.Here's my first ever composition.It's a tribute to my favourite player in my favourite football club.

If you do not know who this is,it's Ruud van Nistelrooy of Manchester United.He's also the top scorer in the Premier League til the current date for the 2005/2006 season.

Next is my composition for one of my favourite movie.

The movie is Troy.Go watch it people.This composition wasn't good.Hoon Sun,my Illus lecturer gave me a hell of a critique on my elements and blending.I agree with him whole-heartedly.

Next composition to be returned to me would be my composition on Malaysian Culture.I expect it to suck big time.But who knows..

Well,that's my artworks so far.I need to practice more and research even more on my illustration.I sucked at it...

Next composition under construction - WAR.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What a day..

Today has been a hell of a day.So glad it's finally over with.Not only did we have Uncle Tatsun's "motivational" talk,but we also had Illus Fundamentals.So freakin boring.

Tatsun was repeating the same bloody thing he did during the Orientation Day.I just forgot about it.I remembered bout the room arrangement thing though.Here's Uncle Tatsun's sound "motivational" advice..

1. Don't accumulate assignments
2. Practice a lot..people ask u do 4 thumbs,do 20..
3. Work the lecturers to death
4. Watch more MTV,Channel V,Astro and movies
5. Visit your friendly bookshops and read for free
6. Arrange your room to look like an office
7. Don't have a relationship YET...
8. Experiment with older people's lives
9. If you need his help,please CRY

Yeap.Those were his advises during his talk.But I do agree that has produced lots of world-renowned graduates.But if we have time to do 20 thumbs,wouldn't it make more sense to catch up on our sleep??We're growing kids.We need our sleep.

We only have enough time to complete the assignments which are due the next day.Who would think of staying up longer to do more???

Oh yeah,TOA-ian guys,if in the future you meet a girl with the surname Hoi,it may well be Tatsun's daughter.Be careful..hahaha..

Next is Illus class.Finally get to hand up the most boring composition.I HATE MALAYSIAN CULTURE!!! Don't have the mood to do it so just did a lousy job.Expect to have a 6 and below.

Can say I'm not patriotic.Everything that has to do with Malaysia is boring TO ME.Nobody else would think the I'm unpatriotic.Relishing doing the next composition-war.Yeah..war's so much more interesting.

Hoon Sun's comment on my second thumb..

HS : Emm..arrangement ok..What's that thing??
Ch : A dog tag..
HS : What's so significant about it??
Ch : All soldiers wear it..??
HS : Not significant enough.Must show the significance of war..
Ch : Oh..ok...
HS : Put maybe the peace sign or something else..
Ch : Ok..can..
HS : Arrangements ok adi..change dat only..
Ch : Ok ok..

Well,the good news is,I only did two thumbs and got approved.Who needs 20 thumbs??The style of Shidio Fai Fai Wan is last minute work.Our last minute work is always the best.Not sure why.Strange phenomena there.The more we Fai Fai,the better it is.Good,huh??

So Tatsun,some advices may not work on this new batch.We're not your "talented" students but we sure are good at last minute work.

Shidio Fai Fai Wan,keep it up.And the best thing is,we do not have much assignments to pass up for this week.Felt a little relaxed.Do design work on wednesday night.

Take care everyone.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Overdue occasion..

I should be blogging about this 3 days ago.But I guess now isn't too late yet..

Everyone knows the occasion that's just past,right??


clue: flowers,chocolates,dinner..

If you haven't guessed it yet,it's Valentines Day.

And so I ask you...what's so damn grand about this day,anyway??I'm sure most bloggers has checked out regarding his blog on this "festivity".I totally support his comment.Why must the guys buy girls flowers,chocolates,gifts,take them to dinner..etc etc.What's so important about this day???It's just like any other day to all of us.

So why do some suckers people spend so much money on gifts,flowers...etc etc.Call me cheap but that's the way I stand.I think even when I have a girlfriend in the future,there's no particular reason for me to purposely buy gifts for her.I could do that any day.Why must it be on Valentines Day that guys have to purposely get their gfs flowers.Why can't we do it occasionally instead of waiting for this date to do it??

If we really do love our gf/bf/parents/crush/spouse,we should do what we do on Valentines Day on normal days.No specific reason to do it on that particular day,is there???

We could just come up and surprise them with flowers,gifts..etc.That would make it even more special than on a specific date where your partner is already expecting it.

And girls,if your bf/husband comes and gives you a bouquet of flowers,please do not suspect that we've done anything wrong.It's from our heart.If we're hiding something,you'll be able to see it just by the expression when we give our gift to you.

So people,stop wasting your time and money.Valentines Day is becoming too commercialised.Stores mark up their prices on that day and restaurants have special promotions on that day to attract suckers people on this day.DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!

Plainly,just spend time with your other half like you SHOULD do every other day.Don't give yourself a reason to only be extra sweet on that day.Do it everyday.That counts more than receiving a bouquet of flowers once in a year.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Good year ahead..

I think this is going to be a good year for me and my family.Call it superstitious but I think it could be true.

I went to Pizza Hut for lunch today with my family.We ordered a set enough for a family of four and eventually finished it.

We then asked for the bill.The total bill came down to

Wow..isn't that a coincidence???it's certainly an indication that it's going to be a good year.

For those of you who don't understand,it means "bad things won't happen easily".


Oh well,whatever make you happy,right???

And it's also on my dad's birthday.How lucky can one get???

Oh.I think the Pizza Hut staffs in Subang Parade are psychics or something.If you notice,above the subtotal amount,they had already anticipated how much my mum was going to pay them.

Oh well.A good lunch,no doubt...