Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentines


The time for endless spending in this festival of romance. For most of you, at least.

For those who’re single, I do understand that some find this the loneliest time of the year. What more when it coincidentally falls on a Saturday.

For those of you who can still find a date to spend the day, great for you. For those who didn’t, like me, there’s no need to be feeling down or lonely.

I only asked one person out. But since that person wasn’t free, I was lazy to ask anyone else. Most of my close friends have partners or have other plans or are too far to meet up.

On the bright side, I saved heaps by not spending on flowers or chocolates or gifts that you schmucks think is a MUST have. Too many of you have been eating up commercialism, if you haven’t noticed it yet.

Okay, back to the topic.

It’s not all about romance and gifts and whatnots on this day. Sometimes people go so overboard with this day and forget the whole meaning of it.

This day should not only be about dating or being with your other half. In my opinion, it should also be a day to remember and acknowledge the people who loved you.

[Saint Valentine was a Roman who was killed for his faith on February 14, 269 A.D. He had refused to worship pagan gods, and some stories say he was a priest who would marry young couples in secret who loved each other but who did not have parental permission. In 496, his 'saint day' was established. He is associated with love because he fell in love with the daughter of his jailer, and would pass notes to her. His final note, before he was executed, read 'from your Valentine'.]

There are people who do bring their girlfriends or boyfriends home and celebrate Valentines. Sure, they may buy individual gifts for their partners. But for dinner, they bring their partners home to have a dinner with their families at nice restaurants. There’s nothing wrong with it.

So, for those of you who are single, dateless and have parents around, why not spend some time with them?

On a totally unrelated note, I was dating a China national woman on that day. And she gave me a great massage on our first date.

Okay, fine. I went to a massage parlour. And, no, not that type that you think. Even my parents went. And I got myself a nice, relaxing massage for my tired back.

The lady even pants me and massaged MY ASS.

I don’t know it but I may have just been sexually violated.

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